Coach Knoblauch and front office staff take rare action at Oilers rookie training camp

Liam McCormick
September 15, 2024  (7:18 PM)

The Edmonton Oilers are back in town and have already begun practicing before training camp, but right now, the attention is on the Young Stars Classic.

The rookie tournament is usually coached by the AHL team's head coach, and the Bakersfield Condors Colin Chaulk has been the lead voice in the development camp so far. However, according to Kurt Leavins in the Edmonton Journal, Oilers coach Kris Knoblauch and the front office made a rare appearance yesterday to come out and see the rookies.

»The Oilers top brass still showed up in Penticton to take in the action, as did Head Coach Kris Knoblauch. If the organization is really genuine about making player development «best in class», showing up like they did Saturday night is a good step.»
- Kurt Leavins

The Oilers have been signalling from the top down that they need to become more serious about player development, and they're clearly engaged in action to get better results. Hopefully the coach's presence with the rookies and provide a bit of guidance, honest advice, and motivation for the kids to make the next level.

The Young Stars Classic tournament will wrap up this Monday against the Winnipeg Jets rookies, and then Oilers training camp will officially open within a few days. One week from today the Oilers will play their first preseason game, so now is the time for every player and even the coach to lock in for a year where they could win the Stanley Cup.

Coach Knoblauch and front office staff take rare action at Oilers rookie training camp

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