Leon Draisaitl speaks on injury and availability for Oilers game two

Liam McCormick
May 10, 2024  (12:54)

Leon Draisaitl speaking to media
Photo credit: Edmonton Oilers YouTube

The Edmonton Oilers hit the ice for practice ahead of game two against the Vancouver Canucks this morning, and Oilers fans were paying close attention for Leon Draisaitl after he sustained an injury in game one.

Unfortunately, Leon Draisaitl was absent from Oilers practice this morning.
Draisaitl left the second period of last game after taking a routine cross check to the back from Canucks defenceman Tyler Myers. Immediately it looked like Draisaitl was in significant discomfort. He was seen testing out his injury on the ice briefly and mentioning his back to the trainer before leaving for the remainder of the second period.
After the game, Draisaitl wasn't available to media as he was being tended to by the medical staff. Still, Coach Knoblauch tried to downplay Draisaitl's absence as related to cramps and equipment issues. That never seemed believable as Draisaitl is known to play through injuries, and it's now confirmed that Draisaitl's not at practice.
After practice, Draisaitl spoke to the media and confirmed himself that he's a game-time decision. Draisaitl will take warm up tonight and decide if he is able to play - and he's clearly yearning to get in the lineup.
Fortunately however, Adam Henrique was back at practice as a full participant today. Henrique went down with an injury after the last game against the Kings, sitting out from practice until today. Henrique may not be available tonight, but should be returning soon.

Leon Draisaitl may be unavailable with injury for the Oilers in game two

Yesterday afternoon at practice, Oilers coach Knoblauch described Draisaitl as being day-to-day with an undisclosed injury. Sam Gagner is taking line rushes in Draisaitl's place at practice, which could be Gagner acting as a placeholder - but we saw similar tactics with Henrique's injury and Janmark being elevated to the first line. When it comes down to it, Draisaitl himself will make the decision if he can go at game time.
Clearly Draisaitl isn't dealing with cramps, and is likely in serious discomfort if there's even a thought he might be unavailable to be in the lineup tonight. Without Draisaitl, the Oilers lose their second best player and one of the most lethal ingredients on the powerplay. With Draisaitl being so critical to the Oilers success, hopefully he can play tonight and find a way to be effective, or recover quick enough to play in game 3.
10 MAI   |   143 ANSWERS
Leon Draisaitl speaks on injury and availability for Oilers game two

Do you think Leon Draisaitl will be available to play in the Oilers game 2 tonight?

Yes, he'll push through10875.5 %
No, he's too hurt2920.3 %
See Results64.2 %
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